Hi, I am Kate Somerset, and it's so great to see you here! Kate Somerset is my pen name chosen for my middle name, Kathryn, and my Manhattan apartment building, The Somerset. Find out more about me and my true identity on the Get To Know Kate tab of this site!
My book Mom…You Just Need to Get Laid: The Adventures of Dating After Divorce reveals fifteen tales of my dating life in New York City. Honestly, writing this book would never have occurred to me if my girlfriends hadn’t insisted. Over a Sunday brunch in Union Square, I was regaling them with stories about men I met since moving to New York from Texas.
When I first pitched the book to a publisher, it was all about the entertainment value. I knew I had funny over-the-top stories about dating in mid-life. But once the book was published, I began hearing from readers about the life lessons they learned from reading it. I have been more than grateful that readers of all types—single, married, divorced, widowed, straight, gay, from baby boomers to those in their 20s—have found the book relevant. This book is for anyone who is going through a major life challenge and wants to adopt a possibility mindset.
If you are single, divorced, widowed, or even married, this book is for your enjoyment.
If you are in a position to date, I hope my adventures will energize and empower you to take charge of your own destiny. It’s not as frightening as you might think. You just have to take the first step and believe in yourself.

“In a world craving human connection, this is the book you’ve been waiting for. Reading it invites a rollercoaster of emotions – laughter, surprise, delight, shock, joy, and hope. In a unique telling of fifteen one-of-a-kind dating experiences, the irrepressible Kate Somerset teaches life lessons on a brave journey to find herself in New York City. This isn’t just a book about dating, it’s about having a possibility mindset in life. No matter your own circumstance, you’ll be inspired to get out of your comfort zone, believe in yourself, and embrace the future.”
—Jack Canfield, Coauthor of the Chicken Soup for the Soul® series and The Success Principles™