Get to know Kate

Kate Somerset is the pen name for the author of Mom...You Just Need to Get Laid: The Adventures of Dating After Divorce. Why write in a pen name? Authors have many reasons. For me, I chose a nom de plume in order to allow "Kate" to tell the true stories of mid-life dating experiences in New York City.
It was fun to create an avatar and build a social media following around her. But 18 months after the book was published, I have done a 2023 Valentine's Day reveal of my name: Ann Louden, New York City based nonprofit consultant, proud mom, board member and advocate for women's healthcare, higher education, the arts, and adoption.
My story and Kate's are the same—when a 24 year marriage in Texas came to an end, I picked up stakes and moved to New York. That move was the best decision I could ever have made.
It stretched me, taught me to trust myself, and gave me the confidence to embark on a new dating life. I learned there are fantastic surprises waiting to happen if you open your mind and heart to the possibilities.
I have built a new community, discovered new foods, learned to live in a high-rise building, and even braved driving in Manhattan during rush hour. I adapted my wardrobe (including buying a much warmer coat!), and realized I didn’t have to hide my slightly Southern accent. Everyone loves it!
Dating in mid-life is exciting, with unexpected adventures at every turn. I am grateful for every connection I have made and will make. In many ways, I am just like you. We are all learning from the past and charting a new course every day.
How the book got its name
After I finished writing the true stories of 15 dating experiences in New York City, I needed a catchy book title. What to call it? Then I remembered that my smart, beautiful, sassy then teenage daughter had once said the unthinkable to me!
She called me out on being "too everything": consumed by work, not having a life, and not aware I could find someone to love me "before I got too old". Then she tossed off the line out which became the title of the book. It made me laugh, and I hope it does you too!
Why you should read the book
I wrote this book to motivate you to take a chance on yourself. It thrills me when I hear from readers who relate to Kate and the book's dating experiences of love, loss, adventure, and reinvention.
Yes, I hope my true stories entertain you. And I also hope they inspire you.
I believe that with the right mindset, anyone can be Kate Somerset. No matter how tentative you feel about dating (again), having an attitude of abundance will give you courage. Believing in possibilities releases the fear and gives you permission to be yourself.
My daughter knew that before I did. And now I do too.